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Arribatec Hospitality

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Arribatec Hospitality


Arribatec Hospitality offers 24/7 check-in & check-out without any staff interaction, on kiosk and web.


We offer hospitality-service for all types of hotels.

With self-service kiosk and webapp we enable 24/7 check-in & check-out without any staff interaction.

Being able to thrive in the hospitality industry is all about providing great experiences and tailored uniqueness.

We help you preserve your uniqueness in the digitalised world. Press the fast forward button with us.

Key Features:

  • Check-in and Check-out at the kiosk and skip the line at the reception
  • Pay your room in the kiosk when checking out
  • Add breakfast or other services
  • Use our mobile checking without downloading an app
  • Find your booking
  • Add up sales to your reservation
  • Complete your registration card
  • Payment- Receive your room key