Table of contents

Digital ordering and mobile point-of-sale is one of the most obvious and successful examples of how technology has changed hospitality in recent years. Customers expect a seamless ordering experience – particularly if they’re dining or drinking at a hotel restaurant or bar where they’re already staying. 

Using a modern POS solution is a no brainer. But is it worthwhile going the extra mile and fully combining it with your PMS? Our latest guide covers the Six Benefits of Combining Your POS and PMS and it will help you make a more informed decision about this vital element of your hotel tech stack. 

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What’s in the guide? 

You’ll never guess how many benefits we cover in this guide... That’s right, we cover the six main benefits of a unified hospitality cloud and how it could streamline your day-to-day. These points are: 

  • Building better guest profiles 
  • Cutting the admin 
  • Impressing your guests 
  • Running more powerful reports 
  • Becoming a more agile team 
  • Avoiding disputed charges 

The guide also features some stories from hoteliers and F&B Managers about how they’ve combined these two systems to drive business success. 

Read an extract 

We just laid out the six key benefits in brief, but how about we go into a bit more detail? Here’s a little preview of what you can find inside the guide. 

Cut the admin 

There’s already enough going on in your day-to-day at work. We’re willing to bet good money that dealing with different vendors and providers isn’t at the top of the list of things you enjoy doing – so why not make life a little simpler? 

Choosing a hospitality cloud that combines PMS and POS functionality means that instead of two points of contact and two contracts, you only have to manage one. How you choose to reinvest this time is up to you, but we’re sure you’ll use it wisely.

“Having this key functionality in the same platform as our PMS makes things so much easier. One platform means we no longer have to manage two separate billings, orders, guest profiles and account managers.” Francesco Bartolomei, General Manager, Bush Hotel Farnham

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Are you ready to discover the Six Benefits of Combining Your POS and PMS? Click the button below and the guide will soon be yours. 

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