Pluimpapaver Hotel & Glamping customer story

Pluimpapaver Hotel & Glamping uses Mews to power its award-winning guest journey

Mews, an award-winning hospitality cloudsupports the Belgian independent on its journey towards a well-deserved hospitality award.

Hotel  Glamping Pluimpapaver Hero - 1245x1014-50


Average upsell value


Guests online check-in



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“We’re an award-winning hotel using an award-winning hospitality cloud. Even saying it feels really good. Mews has been one of the driving forces for our success, helping us hit our goals for modern and sustainable stays.”

Online check-ins powered by Mews



When guests arrive, they want the easiest check-in experience possible. Waiting in line to register, especially during peak hours? Not an ideal start.



With Mews, Pluimpapaver Hotel & Glamping can offer the most hassle-free check-in experience. Completing the simplified user journey online reduces wait times and puts guests in control from the moment they book. Online check-ins also allow the team to leverage upselling opportunities to increase the average spend per booking.



• 44% of guests check-in online
• €42 average upsell value


Award-winning digital comms



When done right, perfecting guest messaging can increase guest loyalty, boost revenue, and ultimately achieve a higher lifetime value for guests.



With the help of Mews, Hotel & Glamping Pluimpapaver has won the 2023 tourism award in the “The best digital communication” category for the Vlaams-Brabant province. The jury cited online check-in, chat feature and online payments – powered by Mews Payments – as the strong points that ensure a seamless stay at Hotel & Glamping Pluimpapaver. With tedious tasks out of the way, the team has more time to attract new guests through beautifully curated social media channels.



• 2023 Belgian Tourism Award for “The best digital communication”

A booking engine that converts



To avoid paying commissions to channel managers, Hotel & Glamping Pluimpapaver wanted to provide their guests with an effortless way to book directly.



Hotel & Glamping Pluimpapaver uses Mews Booking Engine to lead guests through a seamless user journey. Making a reservation is easy thanks to an intuitive interface, and it’s easy to set up multiple space types so that rooms and tents can be managed and booked in the same place. The team can also upsell items like late check-out and breakfasts, boosting overall RevPAG.



• 3.8% average booking conversion (3.3% is the industry average)

“The guests are our priority, so we looked for a PMS with guest-centricity at its core. While Mews is taking care of the operational tasks, we have more time and energy to focus on hospitality.”

Integration spotlight

This integration allows Hotel & Glamping Pluimpapaver to receive reservations and manage inventory directly in Mews. The connection automatically reports invalid payment cards and allows them to easily manage rates and restrictions.

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