Whoo Bacalan Bordeaux customer story

Whoo Bacalan Bordeaux gets results across the guest journey

The French blended hospitality brand improve RevPAR, booking engine conversion and payment automation through Mews. 

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RevPAR increase


year on year to 2022

of card payments automated


through Mews Payments

booking conversion rate


with Mews Booking Engine

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“I love that Mews combines all the key elements of a hospitality cloud into one platform. Solutions like booking engine, payments and online check-in all integrate together, and anything extra we need can be easily connected to through Mews Marketplace.”

Almost 3x above average conversion rate



Whoo Bacalan wanted to improve their proportion of direct bookings at the same time as boosting conversions for onsite visitors.



Mews Booking Engine provides a fast and simple means for website visitors to book a space. Once the stay dates have been chosen, users can choose a variety of options (including mixed dorms, female-only dorms and private dorms), while a pop-up comparison widget displays rates from leading sites such as Booking.com, persuading visitors to stay in the booking journey.



• 9% conversion rate with Mews Booking Engine (3.3% is the industry average for independent hotels)
• Additional revenue generated through upsells such as breakfast and towel hire

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More ways for guests to pay



Whoo Bacalan wanted to be able to easily track and report on all transactions, while making it frictionless and secure for guests to pay.



Mews Payments provides a secure payment gateway that prioritizes security and ease of use for staff and guests. Using a Mews Terminal, guests can pay by card, while payments can also be taken pre-arrival or post-departure. Whoo Bacalan Bordeaux use payment requests, sent via email, for which guests also use alternative payment methods such as Apple Pay and Google Pay.



• 100% of card payments are automated through Mews Payments
• 0.05% of transactions are chargebacks

“Mews Marketplace is fantastic because it gives us the power to define our own tech ecosystem. We can quickly connect to whatever we need, and a single source of billing keeps things simple.”

Integration spotlight


SiteMinder (EMEA)

SiteMinder is a leading channel manager. The Mews integration provides a real-time connection between Mews and over 400 booking channels, ensuring that Whoo Bacalan Bordeaux reaches a wide online audience with minimal manual effort required.

Make it remarkable.

Ready to take the first step towards a more efficient, flexible, guest-centric approach to hospitality?