Mews Community recently welcomed its 2,000th member, and we couldn’t be happier to see so many engaged users supporting each other to make the most of Mews. The more this community continues to grow, the more beneficial it becomes for hoteliers. I’d love a minute or two of your time to show you how we’re already making a big difference. 

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What is Mews Community? 

A quick rundown in case this is your first time hearing about Mews Community: Mews Community is an online forum for Mews users to ask and answer questions about the platform, share tips and tricks, and stay updated with all Mews news like new releases and special pilot schemes. 

It’s a hotelier hub that transcends job roles; members include general managers, front desk workers, technology directors and everything in between. There’s also a core team of Mews employees who moderate and maintain the platform, providing news on exclusive initiatives like webinars and in-person meet ups. 

Mews Community in numbers 

Since Mews Community went live at the beginning of 2023, there have been 4,500 posts, made up of contributions by the Mews team and by Mews users across the globe. And as a further indicator of healthy engagement, over 3,500 replies have been left by helpful community members.  

Also impressive is the sheer breadth of conversation: these posts span over 900 topics, from new feature announcements to calls for advice about choosing integration partners.

Take a look inside Mews Community 

I’d like to give you a flavor of what happens within the community.  

1. Try new features first 

Earlier this year, Mews released new Online Check-in functionality that allows guests to upgrade their room during their digital check-in. But before we rolled it out to every customer, we ran a beta program via Mews Community. 

All users had to do was reply to the post to show their interest, and the new settings were enabled for the relevant properties. These hoteliers not only got early access but also helped shape the feature to make sure it delivers for hotelier needs. 

2. Access exclusive online initiatives 

Community interaction isn’t limited to posts and comments. One of our great ongoing initiatives is the Community Panel Series, in which three customers and a solution architect from Mews chat about a specific topic and viewers can ask live questions. 

3. Meet up in person 

One of the key aims of Mews Community is to create strong bonds between hoteliers. Sometimes that involves getting out from behind our screens and encouraging real life meet-ups. The very first Mews Unwind event took place in Amsterdam last month, and it was a joyous evening with amazing conversations and (of course) top tier Mews merch. There are plenty more events planned in the future, so stay tuned. 

Here are some snaps from the evening:JN_240528_Mews_Unwind_4922


The power of user engagement 

Mews Community only works because hoteliers are committed to helping each other out. At Mews Unfold 2024, our annual hospitality tech forum, we hosted our first Unfold Awards. This was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate some of Mews’ remarkable hoteliers, and arguably the most special award was that for Mews Community Champion, which recognized outstanding contribution to our hotelier hub. 

The winner was Mick Vazquez, Senior Application Manager at YHA Australia. His frequent and knowledgeable contributions truly helped shape Mews Community, though he was typically humble when we asked him about the reasons for his success: 

“I think it’s Mews itself. It’s easy to use, it’s intuitive, I’ve been using it for long enough and I have a good knowledge of it. I feel like it’s my responsibility to share that where I can.” 

Mick and Sarah

Join Mews Community 

If you’re a Mews user, why not join the 2,000+ members of Mews Community? Signing up is easy:

Join Mews Community

And if you’re feeling left out because your property isn’t using Mews yet, there’s also an easy way to fix that: set up a meeting with our Mews experts.