Glamping – short for glamorous camping – allows guests to connect with nature while enjoying the comforts of a hotel room. It's the best of both worlds. Glamping is popular with nature lovers who like to stay comfortable, ex-campers who used to travel with a sleeping bag, and outdoor explorers who don't enjoy camping.

In this article, we look at top glamping trends for 2024 so you're prepared to serve this emerging market segment.

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Key glamping trends for 2024

Hoteliers interested in glamping will find the following tips super useful. Let's get your property ready for the glamping boom. 

Nature as the cure

To relax from the pressures of the fast-paced world, a growing number of travelers are seeking refuge in nature. Also known as digital detox, this type of escapism is the perfect excuse to go offline. How can you incorporate it into your glamping package? Consider forest therapy or nature bathing – the key is to create a type of wellness where digital downtime is at the core of your offer.

key glamping trends

Outdoor festivals

Outdoor festivals are on the rise. As the audience attending these multi-day events becomes broader, we're seeing an uptick in glamping accommodations. Some hoteliers even use them to upsell traditional camping. It's a way of offering a unique stay to eco-conscious guests without skipping the comforts of a hotel.

Dynamic spaces

Many hotels with outdoor spaces and those in remote locations aren't taking full advantage of this benefit. You can leverage glamping to increase revenue from outdoor spacesoffering more beds with less initial investment will boost your numbers.

Modern travelers prefer mixed-use spaces, which is a terrific opportunity to maximize revenue while catering to diverse guest types.


Glamping goes hand in hand with sustainability, so it's very inviting for modern guests looking for eco-friendly travel experiences. These lodgings have a low carbon footprint, proving that luxury and environmental protection are compatible. Draw guests interested in ecotourism by offering packages promoting responsible travel and environmental protection. 

Modern technology

While camping tends to cater to low-budget guests, the glamping clientele is more demanding. They expect more comfort and a sleek guest experience from booking to check-in. And here's where modern technology comes in, with features like mobile check-in and personalized services.

The more you personalize your services, the better for your business. Make them unique to your location, and don't be afraid to ask the local community for tips and inspiration. 

Remote work 

Digital nomads are here to stay. Remote and hybrid work have drastically changed how we travel, and digital nomads are constantly looking for the next “it” destination. They will continue to search for remote locations away from cities and places where they can work while staying close to nature. 

Glamping facilities that have communal areas with Wi-Fi, co-working, and hot desks have the best chance of attracting eco-conscious digital nomads. After all, if you can work from anywhere, why wouldn’t you want to work surrounded by nature?

remote work

Unique experiences 

As the travel market grows increasingly saturated, everyone's looking for one-of-a-kind experiences. Social media makes it challenging to surprise guests who seem to have seen it all. Get inspired by your surroundings and create signature experiences that transcend current trends. 


Thanks to globalization, a specialty coffee shop in Tokyo might look and feel the same as one in Lima or New York. That's why you should ensure your glamping site has a strong local identity. One of the ways to do that is to partner with the local community.

Another is using local products and building materials. If you're in the Alps, use alpine wood to build your facilities. And if your glamping is in the rainforest, bamboo and green energy will make all the difference.

Providing connectivity but giving the opportunity to disconnect

While digital detox is all the rage, guests also want to be able to connect when they want to. Connectivity will be a critical deciding factor, especially in areas of limited cell service. It supports the promotion of your property via social media since many guests are eager to share their every move with an online community. Consider creating designated Wi-Fi areas instead of making it available throughout the property.


In 2024, glamping will bridge the gap between luxury and low-cost travelers searching for one-of-a-kind experiences in unique locations. As this segment continues to evolve, hoteliers must embrace modern technology and work to enhance guest experience. Focusing on sustainability and new guest niches also ensures the success of any glamping facility.


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